Dr Kai Hart-Hönig has many years and a wide range of experience in the fields of tax litigation, business and tax crime. His focus is on advising and defending German and international companies as well as managers. He has special expertise in project management, ie in organising and controlling complex proceedings with an eye on all relevant aspects.
Who’sWhoLegal Business Crime 2007 referred to Dr Kai Hart-Hönig as „the country’s ‘stand-out’.”
Dr Kai Hart-Hönig obtained a doctorate from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main in 1983 with the distinction summa cum laude. He served as the assistant to Prof Dr Dr hc mult Winfried Hassemer, the former Vice President of the Federal Constitutional Court, who was also a reputed criminal defence lawyer.
He worked as a public prosecutor specialised on business crime in Frankfurt am Main, especially for complex cases in the area of corporate criminal law, accounting/tax crimes, corruption, and insolvency crimes. Dr Kai Hart-Hönig was a partner with Clifford Chance Pünder as well as Oppenhoff & Rädler Linklaters & Alliance.
Dr Kai Hart-Hönig established his own law firm in 2000.
Dr Kai Hart-Hönig is a frequent speaker, especially for the European Criminal Bar Association as well as the International Bar Association. He served as a lecturer for the specialist courses on business crime offered by the German Lawyers’ Academy from 2002 to 2008.
Dr Kai Hart-Hönig is a member of the European Criminal Bar Association (Vice Chairman
2003–2008; Chairman of the Antitrust Working Group), of the Deutscher Anwaltsverein, the German-American Lawyers’ Association, the American Bar Association, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (USA), the International Bar Association (inter alia Anti-Corruption Committee), the International Fiscal Association, der Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e. V. as well as der Proceeds of Crime Lawyers’ Association (UK).
Dr Kai Hart-Hönig also participates as an expert in legislative projects, including those of the EU Commission and the House of Lords.
Important publications are:
In the series of publications on criminal law (Schriften zum Strafrecht, Duncker & Humblot), the book “Gerechte und zweckmäßige Strafzumessung. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Theorie positiver Generalprävention”, 1992.
The contribution: “Verteidigung von Unternehmen und Compliance im globalisierten Strafrecht. Rechtsstaatlich problematische Verschärfung von Haftungsrisiken – exemplarisch skizziert anhand der Verfolgung von Korruption und Kartellrechtsverstößen unter europäischem und US-amerikanischem Einfluss” in Festschrift 25 Jahre Arbeitsgemeinschaft Strafrecht des Deutschen Anwaltsvereins, Strafverteidung im Rechtsstaat, 2009, p 530 et seq.
The contribution: “Verteidigung von Unternehmen und Organmitgliedern unter dem Compliance-
Regime – Zur Möglichkeit autonomer Verteidigung bei Internal Investigations”, in Klaus Lüderssen/ Klaus Volk/ Eberhard Wahle (publishers), Festschrift für Wolf Schiller, 2014, p 281 et seq.